About us

Validation of Ultrasound Transducer Performance

Quality Assurance for Patient Safety

The development team behind ProbeHunter is a Swedish-based medical business company, BBS Medical AB.

We have been in the ultrasound business for more than 30 years. We are specialists within Ultrasound Transducer Testing. With more than 50 000 tests at Scandinavian hospitals we know about common faults on ultrasound probes by brand and type.

Hospitals and companies within the ultrasound industry have been using our transducer testing services for the last 12 years. The quality of transducers and patient safety is on the top of the agenda for many of our customers.

The explicit need for testing ultrasound transducers has been expressed in studies, using BBS Medical AB´s database, made by the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. The result of the study, and our own experiences, are, that on a non tested hospital 35-40% of the probes are faulty and needs to be attended to and many of them should not be used on patients. There are risks for fallacious diagnosis.

When a probe is damaged the doctor or midwife will seldom see it instantly on the display, most often it takes a long time before anything appears to be wrong from what you can decipher on the screen. When he or she discovers the damage it can be hundred of patients too late. So, the problem is that you can´t see the problem. That´s the problem and why you need a tester.

The testing of ultrasound probes has so far been performed on a static tester.

I have over the years always thought that – why test a dynamic system with a static tester? The demand for Quality Assurance for Patient Safety is increasing, therefore we at BBS Medical AB decided to develop the Dynamic tester ProbeHunter. This to make sure that all of the hidden faults will be found for Patient Safety.

There is a need for quality checks on all levels: manufacturers, OEM´s, ultrasound dealers, hospitals, MVS, probe brokers and probe repair labs. Therefor the ProbeHunter is a Multi Brand Testing device that can validate probes from GE, Siemens, Philips, Toshiba, Esaote, Zonare, Mindray, Hitachi, Aloka etc

BBS Medical AB, the developer of ProbeHunter, we see ourselves as the neutral and objective partner the industry and hospitals seeks.

Our goal with ProbeHunter is to provide the market with an advanced but easy to use Quality Assurance device. From our perspective – every ultrasound transducer
should be tested frequently and have a Quality Report from ProbeHunter for Patient Safety.

Get your offer for a ProbeHunter from the development team that are:

  • Specialists in how to test transducers, all brands and types
  • Experts in analyzing and understanding the reporting
  • We know common failures by brand & type

We recommend the ultrasound industry not to trade any probe without a Quality Test

Welcome to contact us for more information, an offer and training.

BBS Medical AB
Stockholm Sweden

Björn Segall
